Sunday Mornings

What to Expect

In the church building. We meet at 10.15am for a 10.30am start. 

We continue to provide online content for those still not able to attend the church building please see our YouTube Channel to catch up on our latest services, or to watch our live-streamed services at 10.30am on a Sunday morning: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrFx9ygl5ZzaoNIBuCWm89Q/ 

Sunday mornings, beginning at 10.30am, are an informal time of celebration. This includes music, prayer and Bible-based teaching. We have groups for children and young people, 0-3 year olds (creche), School Nursery to year 6 (Junior Church) and Year 7-11 (Teenage Group).  Refreshments are served after the service.

Worship Songs

Usually on a Sunday our time of worship starts with singing. We have a live worship band, which we would love to see grow further with new members. The songs are from a wide range of songwriters, and incorporate different styles of music.